Black Lives Matter & Social Justice Videos
Please feel free to watch and widely share these many video resources created by Dr. Jamie Marich and the Institute for Creative Mindfulness team. These interviews and other video resources highlight the voices and experiences of those that are traditionally underrepresented or marginalized in our field and in society at large.

Plural Pride Meets LGBTQ+ Pride: Katie Keech and Dr. Jamie MarichIn this lively interview Dr. Jamie+ Marich speaks with Katie Keech (aka Sr. Freda Desire of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence) about the intersections between Plural Pride and LGBTQ+ Pride....Katie shares with us a wealth of experience on the evolution of both movements.

Plural Pride Meets LGBTQ+ Pride: Webinar ReplayWatch the replay of PLURAL PRIDE MEETS LGBTQ+ PRIDE hosted by The Institute for Creative Mindfulness and featuring "Dissociation Made Simple" contributors LS+ Scarboro, Melissas Parker, and the Garden System. Originally recorded on June 4, 2024.

Abortion is Healthcare: Interview with Dr. Julie BindemanDr. Julie Bindeman, a perinatal/reproductive mental healthcare specialist, speaks with us about the necessity of abortion as healthcare.

A Biblical Case for Abortion Rights: Interview with Dr. Mark SandlinPeople who identify with certain expressions of the Christian religion will routinely use lines like "abortion is murder," and "You can't be a Christian and pro-choice." Presbyterian minister Rev. Dr. Mark Sandlin makes a different case.

Virtual Drag Brunch 2023: Dr. Jamie Marich Hosts Starlett O'HaraJoin us for the Institute for Creative Mindfulness' 2023 Virtual Pride event featuring special guest, Starlett O'Hara, to discuss drag as an expressive art and why it is under more attack than ever.

Reproductive Justice 2022: The Time is Now (Interview with Dr. Orixa Bowers)Dr. Orixa Bowers returns to the Institute for Creative Mindfulness LiveCast to speak once more on Reproductive Justice in the days following the overturn of Roe v. Wade.

I Am Not a Mistake: A Healing Service for The Queer Soul (June 2022)Dr. Jamie's dear friend, openly transgender minister Rev. Simon Ruth deVoil, joined us for this dynamic healing service for the queer community to celebrate Pride Month 2022. Replay now available indefinitely to take in and to pass along.

I Wanted to Write You a Think Piece: A Short Film by Jamie MarichThis short film from Dr. Jamie Marich is a personal glimpse into how the second impeachment trial of former President Donald J. Trump impacted her, a queer/bisexual survivor of spiritual abuse living with trauma-related dissociation.
Sharing publicly for the first time on 6/17/22 after it's 2021 debut at the Reel Recovery Film Festival.
Sharing publicly for the first time on 6/17/22 after it's 2021 debut at the Reel Recovery Film Festival.

Real Talk Shifting Patterns Around Race: A 2022 Call to ActionReplay of a LiveCast hosted by the Institute for Creative Mindfulness on 6/20/22 in honor of Juneteenth with our special guest, Dr. Kellie Kirksey.
For more information about Dr. Kellie and her work, please go to:
For more information about Dr. Kellie and her work, please go to:

Pastor Mark Sandlin Interview: Clobbering Biblical Gay BashingDr. Jamie sits down with Pastor Mark Sandlin, author of an article she often cites called "Clobbering Biblical Gay Bashing." Important information for anyone struggling with their spirituality due to how they identify, and for those of us who work with them in a clinical or pastoral capacity.
For more on Pastor Mark and his ministries, go to:
For more on Pastor Mark and his ministries, go to:

Interview with Malika Rajan: Adaptation, Cultural Appropriation, and Living the Teachings of YogaDr. Jamie Marich interviews one of her dear friends Malika Rajan, currently based in Delhi, on dynamics around adapting the teachings of yoga for Western audiences and being mindful about adaptation vs. cultural appropriation. Numerous suggestions for trauma-informed practice also given.To learn more about Malika's yoga teachings and to support the fundraiser for India COVID relief mentioned in the interview, please go to

EMDR Therapy: Interview with Dr. Layla AsamaraiListen to the wisdom of Dr. Layla Asamarai, EMDR therapist, as she speaks on issues of cultural attunement in EMDR therapy and other global perspectives. She offers her experience on conducting EMDR therapy with Muslim clients and through interpreters in this candid conversation.

Dr. Jamie Marich & Dr. Kellie Kirksey: Post-Election 2020 Check InDr. Jamie and Dr. Kellie unburden in the day following the election, which Dr. Jamie has consistently taught is a trauma-informed matter. Learn more about some upcoming opportunities to study with Jamie and Kellie as well.

Coloniality: Special Interview with Irene Rodriguez & Dr. Cristalis Capielo RosarioJoin Dr. Jamie's special guests to learn more about coloniality, an important construct to understand when working with Puerto Rican clients

Reproductive Justice: Dr. Jamie Interviews Dr. Orixa BowersMove beyond the pro-life/pro-choice dichotomy and into this more holistic, human rights model for reproductive rights.

Healing Chronic Pain & Systemic Racism Through Art and Trauma-Informed Care: Dr. Nathaniel GrangerIn this Trauma-Informed Series Dr. Nathaniel Granger, Jr., Clinical Psychologist, Professor of Psychology, Immediate Past President APA Division 32, Society for Humanistic Psychology, speaks on his lived experience of chronic pain within a world of systemic and institutional racism. Dr. Granger, Jr. offers insight into healing through creative arts and trauma-informed care grounded in the humanity, dignity and respect, and social justice. The interview highlights intergenerational trauma, oppressive cognitions, and pain through the lens of EMDR and Existential-Humanitic Psychotherapy. The interview is a a beautiful interweave of art, psychology, recovery, and spirituality grounded in the lived experience of being human beings. We speak about how health disparities also compound chronic & systemic pain. If you are a trauma-therapist, looking to learn more about trauma informed care, or a someone who is on a journey toward healing, watch this video. Dr. Granger, Jr. invites to a human to human conversation where we embrace the other to heal our wounds.

Interview with Dr. Orisha Bowers on Harm Reduction and RaceDr. Jamie Marich sits down with Dr. Orisha (Orixa) Bowers to discuss harm reduction and race.

Interview with Lisa Hayes on Inclusive Anti-RacismDr. Jamie chats with ICM team member and EMDRIA-approved consultant Lisa Hayes to discuss inclusive anti-racism, specially on working with the LGBTQIA+ community and other topics of intersectionality.

Interview with ReShawn Kaufman: Black Lives MatterReShawn Kaufman was a child when Dr. Jamie was in graduate school with his mother, Janise. In this LiveCast, ReShawn and Jamie sit down and talk for the first time in years about the Black Lives Matter movement and what it will take for long-lasting and systemic healing in the United States.

Interview with Kimberly Patterson: Mixed MessagesDr. Jamie Marich continues her Black Lives Matter interview series with Kimberly Patterson to discuss racial identify from her perspective as a biracial woman.

Interview with Dr. Kellie Kirksey: A Juneteenth Call to ActionSecond appearance by Dr. Kellie Kirksey, "A Juneteenth Call to Action: Reflections on Wellness, Racism, and Activism"

Interview with Rossina Schroeer-Santiago: Mental Health and Social JusticeDr. Jamie Marich interviews Rossina Schroeer-Santiago, founder of The Therapists of Color Collaborative in Denver, CO. Rossina is also the owner and operator of Element of Discovery, LLC.

Interview with Blaise Harris: Black Men FeelDr. Jamie talks with her former trainee and friend Blaise Harris (who is both a firefighter and a mental health therapist) on the topic of "Black Men Feel." Part of the #BlackLivesMatter series of interviews sponsored by ICM.

Interview with Soraya Papayoute, MSW: Generational Trauma in the African American CommunityDr. Jamie Marich interviews Soraya Papayoute, MSW on generational trauma as part of an ongoing series on #BlackLivesMatter showcasing different voices and perspectives.

Interview with Dr. Damon Silas: Eradicating the Pandemic of RacismJoin Dr. Jamie Marich for her conversation with Dr. Damon Silas - CSG Coach on "Eradicating the Pandemic of Racism." June 9, 2020

Lessons on Self-Care from a Black MotherJanise Kaufman-Young in conversation with Dr. Jamie Marich. Janise was one of Jamie's closest friends in graduate school. Recorded June 4, 2020.

Real Talk: Pattern Shifting Dialogues About Race (Dr. Kellie Kirksey)Real Talk: Pattern Shifting Dialogues About Race in 2020 with Dr. Kellie Kirksey. Filmed June 3, 2020.

Friday Night Feels with Patrick Monette, Lisa Hayes Roshni Chabra, Chuck Bernsohn , Dr. Jamie MarchThis is a show that focuses on a variety of wellness related issues such as mental health, addiction, health concerns, stress management, anger management, relationship struggles, mindfulness, and much more. The focus of this show is to connect during difficult times and be able to talk about issues that affect us all and how to be the healthiest versions of ourselves that we can be. Each show I will invite a guest co -host/s to join me and answer people’s questions and issues.Lisa Hayes Roshni Chabra, Chuck Bernsohn , Dr. Jamie March join me to discuss the LGBT+ and Spiritual Experiences.

EMDR Therapy Telehealth Demonstration: Phases 1-7 (Paula Lavocat & Blaise Harris)Check out this new EMDR therapy teleheatlh demonstration from ICM team member Paula Lavocat and ICM graduate/contributor Blaise Harris.