Political Stressors
Video demonstrations and resources are not intended as a replacement for formal training in EMDR therapy. These resources are intended as a learning aide for those being trained in EMDR therapy and for potential trainees to better understand what to expect.
Jacque, a trainee/graduate of the Institute for Creative Mindfulness EMDR Therapy training program, graciously volunteered to have some of her work on coping with political stressors filmed. In this era of political and social turmoil, using the EMDR approach as a treatment device for healing and resilience may be a game changer.

EMDR Therapy: Phase 1 Demonstration (Coping with Political Stressors Presenting Issue)In this video, EMDR master clinician and trainer Dr. Jamie Marich demonstrates the Client History phase of the approach (Phase 1) with a volunteer, Jacque. This particular video highlights the importance of taking client history through theme, especially in cases of complex trauma, as opposed to pure chronology.

EMDR Therapy: Phase 2 Demonstration (Coping with Political Stressors Presenting Issue)In this video, EMDR master clinician and trainer Dr. Jamie Marich demonstrates the preparation phase of the approach (Phase 2) with a volunteer, Jacque. This particular video highlights the importance of working with multiple domains of preparation in clients with complex trauma.

EMDR Therapy Phases 3-7 Demonstration (Coping with Political Stressors Presenting Issue)In this video, EMDR master clinician and trainer Dr. Jamie Marich demonstrates the reprocessing and closure phases of the approach (3-7) with a volunteer, Jacque. This particular video showcases the standard EMDR protocol applied in a mindful way with a volunteer presenting with a history of complex trauma.

EMDR Therapy: Future Template Demonstration (Coping with Political Stressors)In this video, EMDR master clinician and trainer Dr. Jamie Marich demonstrates the future template technique with a volunteer, Jacque. This particular videos shows how an installed positive cognition from the main targeting sequence can be applied to future scenarios; in this case, the volunteer's reactions/responses to a political figure.