Queering EMDR Therapy
Call for Proposals
Roshni Chabra (she/her) and Dr. Jamie Marich (she/they/we) are happy to announce their forthcoming volume, “Queering EMDR Therapy,” scheduled for release with Creative Mindfulness Media in the summer of 2025.
Roshni Chabra (she/her) and Dr. Jamie Marich (she/they/we) are happy to announce their forthcoming volume, “Queering EMDR Therapy,” scheduled for release with Creative Mindfulness Media in the summer of 2025. Both Roshni and Jamie are openly queer and genderqueer EMDR therapists and trainers with a passion for elevating the voices of LGBTQIAA2S+ folks within the EMDR community. We are writing this book to put into the world what we have needed in our healing journeys: to be seen and validated. Honoring lived experienced in professional writing is how we highlight the richness and complexity that has been long missing from academic writing within EMDR Therapy. This book gives a platform for LGBTQIAA2S+ to speak their necessary truths about the practice and experience of EMDR Therapy.
This book will be a collected volume of 15-20 chapters, and we are currently seeking contributors. Unlike other collected volumes in the field, we are able to offer a small honorarium for your contribution if your proposal is accepted. We are open to all proposals in the written form—prose, poetry, or any combination of written or visual media (although the final product will be published in black and white). The best contributions will fuse your clinical experience and lived experience, although we are certainly open to reviewing proposals that focus more heavily on one or the other.

To submit your proposal for consideration, we will need:
- A 200-500 word overview of what you plan to cover in your book chapter or other written/visual media submission; be sure to describe the nature of your voice and how adding that voice to this conversation will help other EMDR therapists and their clients
- A copy of your CV or professional biography
We hope to feature a chapter on each of the major letters of our growing abbreviation. Although we are also open to having a chapter or two that focuses on the perspectives of non-queer allies, LGBTQIAA2S+ and BIPoC voices will be prioritized. We are also seeking contributions that represent the perspectives of the kink community, and those who are identify as polyamorous or practicing other forms of ethical non-monogamy (ENM).
All proposal submissions must be received by February 1, 2024. The anticipated deadline for chapters will be some time in the Fall of 2024. You will be notified of this exact deadline if your proposal is accepted.