It is a Joy to Be Hidden But A Disaster Not to Be Found: Guest Posting

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The practice of free association in psychotherapy helps the mind make what was previously unconscious, available to the conscious mind for reflection and understanding.  When I stay open to images, sensations, memories and feelings during my movement practice, I am also free associating. Freud said dreams are the royal road to the unconscious. I’d say movement is another royal road!


Expressive Arts Therapy training allows me to to study the fusion between two of my passions, movement and psychodynamic psychotherapy. I find that the work of D.W. Winnicott particularly illuminates the maternal, playful and creative aspects of this fusion. In this vlog I share how experiences of being hidden and lost, as well as those of feeling seen and found, as both a child and as an adult, can be activated through movement.

Amy Olson, LCSW, CEDS is currently in the Expressive Arts Therapy Certificate program with the Institute for Creative Mindfulness. She operates a private practice in Cary, North Carolina and you can read more about Amy and her practice HERE.

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