The ICM Blog
Redefine Therapy

Our work and our mission is to redefine therapy and our conversations are about the art and practice of healing. This blog was launched in May 2018 by Dr. Jamie Marich, affiliates, and friends.

  Originally published on the Dancing Mindfulness Expressive Arts Therapy Blog, 5/4/2017 If you’ve followed Dancing Mindfulness and other projects connected to my Institute for Creative Mindfulness work, you’ve likely encountered the hashtag #redefinetherapy. What started as a book chapter and a hashtag is quickly turning into a movement that you

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Understanding Dissociation: A Journey of Discovering Us

What is dissociation? Apparently, it’s when you have the urge to say something, have a thought, or experience a feeling followed by the overwhelming sense that you don’t dare say, think, feel it, or otherwise show the external world because there will be TROUBLE! Or is it? In early summer

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Getting Through The Holidays

The holidays are a time of enhanced emotional experiences for most people. The lights, anticipation of family togetherness, music, and nostalgia can create feelings of happiness and excitement for some. For trauma survivors, the holidays often bring emotions of sadness, loneliness, and pain. For family trauma survivors, the holidays are

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Pal, This is Not a Holy War

As I slowly moved down another painful declining portion on my second day walking the Camino de Santiago, my already injured knee rolled in and loudly popped. Intuitively, I knew that I was done for the day on these legs that already walked 12 miles plus 14 ½ the day

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Shadow Play: An Expressive Arts Practice

The call and response poem is when 2, 3, or more folks are gathered together. One person starts with a title or first line, and passes to the other person until the poem feels complete. This poem, inspired by an Irene Rodriguez photo asks us, “What if we looked at

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Just One More…

When you are young and disabled, nobody tells you that one day, using your arms as legs will cause your shoulders to wear down, you will be in pain, and have neck issues. When you are young and disabled, nobody ever tells you it’s ok to take a break or

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Everyone Must Walk Their Own Camino

At some point in 2017, Irene Rodriguez, one of my dearest friends and professional collaborators, mentioned that she wanted to walk the Camino de Santiago.  “Me too!,” I said, having been fascinated by the ancient route since watching the 2010 movie The Way starring Martin Sheen.  However, my connection to

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Dancing Mindfulness 10th Anniversary Letter

Dancing Mindfulness is a practice over which I never felt comfortable claiming ownership. Dance and mindfulness are two of the oldest healing practices that are inherent to the first peoples of our planet and to cultures on every continent. In this letter I will highlight some history of the Dancing

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Maybe You Don’t Need One More Certification

One of my favorite films is the 1996 sporting classic Jerry Maguire. The movie left us with many memorable lines including “Show me the money!,” “You had me at hello,” and—the therapist favorite—“Help me, help you.” Yet the more jaded that I am becoming with my field of clinical psychotherapy,

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